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We’re big birthday week fans at TreatBox. Huge. Any excuse to prolong birthday celebrations and we’re waiting in the wings with our confetti cannon ready to get the party started. Because, in case you couldn’t tell from our Birthday Advent Calendar, when it comes to celebrating another year around the sun, we’re 100% on team ‘spoil them’! 

So we’ve come up with a tried and tested formula for a dreamy birthday week, perfect for everyone from your BFF to your gran - after all, birthday weeks have no age limit!  

Day 1: Get the Party Started

Kick off the week in style. Day one is where you set the vibes and get the birthday excitement building! If you’re able to see your birthday girl on this day we strongly recommend streamers, confetti, maybe even a piñata. Over the top? We don’t know the meaning of the word. This is the day where you set the mood for the whole week so we personally think the bigger the better; it’s also the day you should select your 7 Day Birthday Advent Calendar to arrive. 

If you’re not seeing them in real life, why not have their fave coffee delivered to drink while they’re opening that first advent gift - best way to start the day ever. 

Day 2: Foodie Fiesta

This is the day you treat them to their ultimate comfort foods, whether that means taking them out to a fancy restaurant, that new bakery they’ve been eyeing up, or just vegging out on the couch with Deliveroo’s finest*. Day two is for celebrating by lulling them into a gentle food coma, happiness guaranteed. 

*other food delivery services are available 

Day 3: Adventure Time 

Time to act like yesterday never happened. Day 3 is for making memories and getting the adrenaline pumping! Zip-lining, indoor skydiving, a theme park, or even discovering your inner kid again at a trampoline park; it’s time to get active, get the endorphins firing and absolutely don’t act your age! If you are planning this birthday week for your gran, however, this is the only one that might need adjusting… but maybe not! 

Day 4: Spa Day 

Whether you splash out on a day at a spa or set up a cosy pamper session at home, day 4 is for self-care and relaxation (the polar opposite of the day before!). Our top tip for an at-home spa day is to fire up the microwave popcorn, whack on their favourite romcom or trash TV and completely switch off, with those face masks on! Don’t forget, a birthday week is about making them feel special, and you don’t have to spend all the money in the world to make that happen. When people say ‘it’s the thought that counts’, this is what they mean - whether you’re at Soho House or your Best Friends House, the thing that makes it special is YOU! 

Day 5: Theme It Up 

Day 5 is where you let your best friend/boyfriend/all-around good egg credentials shine through. This is a Friday, so it’s time to party! Throw a theme party, or organise a themed night out based on their all-time favourites: 90s throwback? Masquerade ball? Harry Potter? ACOTAR? Show you’ve been paying attention to what they love, and we promise you’ll blow them away! 

Day 6: The Getaway 

Time to pack your bags (even if it’s just a picnic basket)! Day 6 is the perfect time to plan a day trip or a little getaway to a picturesque town nearby. Depending on the season, you could hit the beach or find a cosy woodland walk - iced coffee or winter warmer recommended too! This is our favourite day to take the pictures and make those memories you’ll reminisce about in years to come. Again, it doesn’t have to be extravagant, you just have to be together! 

Day 7: The Wind Down 

On the 7th day, we rest! Our very favourite thing to do on day 7 is to surprise them with a mini scrapbook or photo album (we might have forgotten to mention you were the week’s official photographer!), full of all your favourite moments from the week; the laughter, adventure, mess, joy and pure happiness that made this birthday the best yet. 

Creating a birthday week isn’t just about presents (we’ve got those covered!) and cake (100% recommended though). It’s about showing up and showing them just how important they are to you! Some people want a birthday week every year (hands up over here!), for some people, it’s a milestone birthday occasion; whatever the number of candles on the cake, we’re always on hand to fully enable the birthday joy! 

We’re also firmly on team ‘spoil yourself’ FYI. So, if you’ve always secretly wanted a birthday week, this is your sign to treat yourself; we can guarantee you deserve it. And the best part is the calendar’s contents are a total mystery, so you really can surprise yourself. Our top tip is to order it in advance, just pop your birthday in and we’ll do the rest. 

Check out our star sign table so you can plan the week down to their constellations.

Happy spoiling! 

Treat yourself

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