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Get FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY! 🎄 Order before 3pm Mon- Fri | Get it in time for Christmas

We know it might be a bit too early for some people, but we are not one of those people. As soon as the Pumpkins go in the food waste bin and the cobwebs get put away for another year, we’re in Christmas mode; Mariah and Buble have nothing on us. Because it might only be November, but advent will be here before you know it, and we’re here to make sure you’re better prepared than the head elf herself.

The endless mental lists can make Christmas planning completely overwhelming, so we’ve compiled a handy black-and-white list of what to think about, and when. So give your brain a break and let us be your festive tick list. Here’s how to be organised for Christmas… 



November, otherwise known as December-eve. Now is the time to think about your family Christmas wishlist. Who do you want to see? What festive events do you want to go to? Will you need to travel? Who do you need to buy gifts for? This is the ‘pencil it in’ stage before you start to crunch the Christmas numbers! 


If you haven’t already, now is the time to look at your festive budget and make sure you’ve set aside enough to eat, drink and be your merriest self. But also, don’t stress if you haven’t, remember the spirit of the season!

Just make a list of any extra outgoings and make sure they can comfortably fit in your budget. And if they don’t? Set aside a couple of events that you’ll have to do next year instead.

Christmas is a busy and expensive time. There’s no shame in being realistic about what you can afford; setting boundaries and budgets is key here.

✒️ If you’re hosting people, what food and drink do you need to buy?

✒️ Who are you buying gifts for? Can you opt for Secret Santa with your family or friend group?

✒️ Christmas Dos: one with work, one with your SO, one with your friends? Are you able to commit to all of them?

✒️ Are there any hotels or travel expenses you need to book, because November is the time to tick that off your list. 


That November lull is the perfect opportunity to have a proper sort out of your stuff to make space for any gifts you or your family might receive. This is especially important if you have kids. But if you don’t have time before Christmas, there’s always January, ‘New Year, less clutter’ or something like that…  


The best part of November is Black Friday; it’s Christmas shopping heaven. Keep your eyes peeled for bargains and offers on the last Friday in November. If you time it right, you might end up doing the majority of your gift shopping before December even hits. Don’t fancy elbowing through crowds of eager shoppers? Most retailers, including us, have sales online with some starting earlier than in the shops. So if shopping while snuggled under your duvet sounds like your cup of tea, sign up to our newsletter and be the first to hear about what we will be doing for Black Friday!



This is a game-changer, and so simple. Wrap as you go when you buy presents. No one needs the stress of trying to wrap a mountain of gifts on Christmas Eve when you should be watching The Holiday with a glass of Baileys. And if you’re anything like us, you’ll be floating through the rest of the month on the dopamine hit you’ll get when you see your perfectly wrapped presents, and realise just how organised you’ve been. Future-you has never been so proud of you! With the bulk of the wrapping done, there’s nothing stopping your Christmas spirit now; it’s nothing but festive movies and seasonal coffees from here on out!


If you’re cooking up a festive feast, you’ll need to order your meat at least three to four weeks beforehand and then collect it nearer the time. There’s a festive method to buying Demember food; you don’t want to buy things too early as it will go past its best, but too late and you might have limited stock to choose from. The balance cannot be underestimated. It’s a serious business, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! So make sure you plan out what you need, and order it in good time. So many supermarkets offer Food to Order services now; you could even do this in November!


If you’re sending cards and gifts to far-flung countries or even across the county, remember to check the last posting dates before Christmas. Royal Mail publishes a guide each year telling you when these are for both 1st and 2nd class and international posting dates. So make sure to take a look and check you’ve got your stamps! And if you’re buying a festive TreatBox (which we absolutely recommend), you can head here to check out our delivery times too!



January gets such a bad rep, but we’ve got two words for you: January sales. If there’s something you’ve fancied for a while, but Christmas etiquette stopped you from buying it for yourself, or maybe an appliance that you need to replace, January is the perfect time to pick up a bargain. And if you’re feeling really organised, you could buy presents for birthdays or save them for Christmas that year. Our top tip is to pick up bargain Christmas decs and homeware in January; the deals are always incredible, and it’s like a little present for yourself when you rediscover them in December!


Everyone has different ideas on when you should take your decorations down by; some people even do it on Boxing Day, could never be us! If we’re going by tradition though, you should take your decorations down by Twelfth Night.

If you’re stuck for a Christmas gift but need something personal, pretty, and posted for you, why not Build Your Own TreatBox? It’s the perfect way to treat your favourite people this Christmas and if you’re feeling extra thoughtful why not send one to yourself too! We would! 

Treat yourself

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