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Always full of surprises, Aquarius friends definitely march to the beat of their own drum (sometimes it’s a full on orchestra). Yep, they’ll keep you on your toes in the very best way, so when it comes to finding the perfect gift, you might need a little help!

Born between January 20 and February 18, Aquarians are known for their originality, ingenuity, and humanitarian spirit, they’re unique as they come, so their gifts should be too! Luckily, we love a good gifting challenge, scroll down to find a present that's as special as they are.

Here are our top TreatBox picks that your amazing Aquarian will love:

1. Support small:

If there’s one thing that Aquarians love, it’s knowing they’ve helped someone; they’re humanitarians at heart! So look out for the independent business stickers in step 2 of Build Your Own TreatBox, and support small by adding in handmade treats from a range of amazing indie businesses. From coffee scrubs to bath melts, bath bombs to keyrings.  

2. Cottagecore:

Aquarians often have green fingers, there’s just something about growing and nurturing that appeals to our favourite water-bearers. Our birth flower A4 print is a really cute add-in; January is a snowdrop and February is a violet, and if you’re anything like us you’ll want to collect the whole family’s prints! One TreatBox at a time though…

3. Friends forever:

Despite their independent nature, Aquarians really do make the best BFFs; if there’s one person you can count on for a good chat it’s them. Our personalised Polaroid and Amethyst Heart Mini Ready To Go TreatBox is perfect for big hearts with small budgets, just upload your favourite picture of the two of you and make their whole week!

4. Plan for success:

Aquarians are the ultimate original thinkers, they’re creative to the core, so a desk pad to jot down all those brilliant thoughts is the perfect add in to any Aquarius-bound TreatBox. The smiley face daily planner desk pad is one of our favourites, but take your pick, we’ve got something for everyone. Stationery is a universal love language over here!

5. Peace & Quiet:

give them the greatest gift of all: an excuse for a (luxury) night in, with our Get Unready With Me Ready To Go TreatBox. Everything they’ll need to fully bliss out for the evening, with the option to add special extras too! Because Aquarians know the GURWM routine really is the most important routine of all.

6. Sock full of personality:

Does your Aquarian have an incredible sense of style? Ours too! They like what they like and aren’t afraid to be bold, it’s one of the very best things about them! Colourful print socks are a must-add-in for any Aquarius TreatBox, we’re in love with the cherry socks, but why stop at one pair, if you really want to score brownie points, go for the whole Box of Socks!

7. Seeing stars:

Naturally curious, with a love for all things cosmos, our Aquarius star sign print is an insta-add-in for any Build Your Own birthday box.

We hope we’ve given you a little treat-spiration to build a TreatBox as unique as your favourite Aquarian! But if you’re still unsure where to start, we can recommend a few Aquarius-themed treats

Treat yourself

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