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Libras are some of the very best friends out there; super sociable, effortlessly charming, we all need a Libra in our lives! But as wonderful as they are as bffs, they can be some of the trickiest people in the world to pick out gifts for. 

You see, Libras (September 23 - October 22) were born under the influence of Venus, the planet of love and all things beautiful. In other words, they’ve got ‘the eye’. They’re always spotting trends ahead of the curve, which makes them especially difficult to buy for!

How are you supposed to shop for someone who is a certified online shopping champion? Don’t worry, we’ve got this:

1. An aesthetic eye:

Libras love making their space beautiful, so a well placed art print is always well received. Our birth flower prints add that personal touch, the question is; are they an Aster (September) or a Cosmos (October)?

2. Only the finest:

If your Libra loves jewellery, our advice? Go elegant or go home. A dainty necklace, a pair of classic earrings, or a delicate bracelet, would be perfect for their refined tastes! Our Dainty Beaded Bracelets are such popular Build Your Own Treatbox add ins - just pick their favourite colour!

3. Pamper products:

Pamper your Libra with spa-dupe essentials like scented bath salts, eye masks, or why not go for our Top to Toe Pamper TreatBox, filled with relaxation essentials for every inch of them!

4. Heavenly scents:

Libras absolutely love fine perfumes and dreamy essential oils, so why not treat them to a brand they’ve been eyeing for ages. 

5. Mindful meditation:

Something Libras really value is peace and tranquility, and we can all relate to that! Why not gift them a subscription to a meditation app, a place for them to switch off and reconnect with themselves.

6. Personalised picks:

Who doesn’t love that extra special personal touch. The great thing about personalised gifts for Libras, is they’re probably some of the only things a Libra won’t have bought themselves already! Our Mini Personalised Birthday Treatboxes are super cute and perfect if you’re on a budget. 

7. Gourmet Girls:

Libras are foodie fanatics and love a gourmet treat, so why not pop their favourite treat in a Build Your Own Box or, if you’re looking for extra brownie points (pun intended), our Let’s Celebrate TreatBox even comes with a mini prosecco. That’s very happy post!

So there you have it, a list of Libra inspiration that’s as unique as your friend is! But if you’re looking for a one-click TreatBox that a Libra will take one look at and fall in love with, head to our bestselling star sign birthday boxes, Libra edition, you can even add a custom ‘don’t open until…’ sticker, so they don’t peek before the big day!

Treat yourself

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